Vintage: SSBB

In the excitement following the initial reveal of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, I created a crude flash version of the game to showcase possible new characters. It is by no means as polished or fun as the real thing, but it does feature three characters with unique movesets. One actually was announced for the game, albeit with a very different moveset. The other two were fan favorites on the Nintendo NSider forums, where I spent a good amount of time.
The result of my excitement for the upcoming Brawl is one of the more sophisticated programs I made in high school. It has a crude physics engine that I made myself, and options for what keys you use. Most of the work went into the animations and hitbox placement of the various moves (13 per character), along with any custom programming for more unique skills (such as Wolf dropping landmines).
Despite my greatest efforts, the physics of the game (especially of knockback) never even approached the smooth feel of the real Smash Bros. games. But that didn’t stop me from enjoying it, and playing it occasionally with friends. I even created another version of the game with 3 custom characters with a good friend from high school (Z, current CEO of Serenity Forge). I think we played that version more, but this remains the original product.
If you have a friend nearby to battle with on a cramped keyboard (and Adobe Flash installed), please enjoy. One of the stages is a real locale, the others are more or less just platforms.